Happy 2012! This will be an exciting year for Chrysalis, with new educational events and new ways to invest in girls, women, and our community.
Toward the end of last year, you saw the Person of the Year named by TIME Magazine: "The Protester" - which could have easily been a woman or a man. Sadly, the magazine's editors noted that only 2 women had been considered for this distinction - Gabrielle Gifford (the US Congresswoman who was shot and is making a remarkable recovery) and Kate Middleton, the new Princess of England.
Additionally, other women named to TIME's "People Who Mattered" included influential women who TIME noted had made an impact in human rights, medicine, politics, and technology:
- US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton
- German chancellor Angela Merkel (whose strength likely saved the gobal economy)
- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (fighting for human rights and polital reform)
- Director of the US Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson
- Senate candidate, former Harvard professor and force behind the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Elisabeth Warren
- Medical researcher Dr. Virginia A. Moyer (helped raise warnings about the dangers of overscreening for diseases such as prostate cancer)
- Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg
- Camila Vallejo, who was leader of student uprisings
There are many who believe that perhaps there could have been a more discerning process for the person selected to have made the greatest contributions to 2011, and believe that more women should have been considered.
Some of the "women to watch" were recently listed in FORBES Magazine in their ranking of the top 100 most powerful women. Names range from First Lady Michelle Obama and billionaire and philanthropist Melinda Gates to performers Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Take a look at the list:
Many of these women, and the women we will present through our educational programs, are the types of women we all aspire to be. This is our message to all girls and women: there are women who can serve as role models, teachers, and mentors to all of us, and Chrysalis is proud to share their knowledge and bring them to our community.