But January was more about learning and thinking and serving than partying! The Wonder Girlz watched a film about Chinese girls who created a language that to date is the only language known to ever exist exclusively for girls! They spent the afternoon of Martin
Luther King Jr. Day participating in a city-wide service experience (along with the Backyard Boyz) and discovered the activities not only helped someone else but made them feel pretty good as well. The learning and thinking continued with science activities related to everyday life-helping the girlz to realize that science is everywhere!
In their free time (what free time?!) the Wonder Girlz are designing their own hoodies, anticipating some field experiences related to job quests, planning an evening retreat, and a day trip to Wildwood Ranch.
If you would like to get involved with the Wonder Girlz, volunteers are needed for transportation and donations are needed-small gifts and movie tickets for prizes, healthy and tasty snacks for the retreat. Please contact Dawn Narcisse at or 515.771.0897